Having a good self-image is important, but teasing may have become an issue for people with ears that stick out. Or, perhaps there’s a congenital disability or an old sports injury that made your ears look disproportionate to the rest of your body. Corrective ear surgery, clinically referred to as Otoplasty, is an outpatient surgical procedure that can correct your ears so they are more balanced with the rest of your facial features.
This surgical procedure does not change the location of your ears, nor does it affect your hearing. However, Otoplasty is considered cosmetic surgery in that your ear fold is re-sculpted, or your ears are pinned back closer to the head.
At Gulf Coast Facial Plastics, we have an accredited, on-site surgical suite that allows us to perform ear surgery with either local or IV sedation.
The procedure is relatively straightforward in that Dr. Daube makes incisions behind both ears and in the inner ear. Cartilage is then repositioned, with excess cartilage and skin removed. The ear is then closed with internal and external stitches as necessary. This surgery usually takes only two to three hours if both ears are adjusted.
Our nurses will provide post-operative notes and will be available to you following surgery should you have any questions. It is not unusual for a patient to have temporary bruising or swelling, but the ears are bandaged for support and protection. In just a few days, the swelling should subside, and most people can resume a regular schedule within one to two weeks.
If you are bothered by the appearance of your ears, contact our office for a medical consultation where we will review your medical history, perform an in-office examination, and discuss the outcome you’d like to achieve. There is no reason to go through life feeling insecure about your looks, especially when help is available.
As the region’s only double Board Certified and Fellowship-trained Facial Plastic and Reconstructive surgeon, Dr. Daniel Daube understands the ear’s form and function with his training in Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery. For ear surgery, it only makes sense to contact a physician whose practice is faces, and only faces. (850) 784-7722, Ext 321.