Morpheus8 Disclaimer (Face Only)
Results may vary from patient to patient, and although Morpheus8 results are typically successful, these results are not guaranteed.
Before deciding if Morpheus8 is the appropriate procedure for your desired outcomes, please consult your doctor about any medical conditions you may have, including but not limited to a recent surgery, pacemaker, electronic implants, skin conditions, pre-existing medical conditions, and/or any known sensitivities or allergies.
Treatment: Morpheus8 is the safe and effective modern solution for subdermal adipose remodeling of the face. Morpheus8 treatment involves delivering radiofrequency to the targeted facial area by way of micro-needles. By stimulating collagen production, this procedure can improve rough skin texture, fine lines, scarring, and superficial capillaries.
Risks: Before undergoing treatment, it is important to read and have a clear understanding of the possible experiences and/or risks associated with the procedure:
- Temporary bruising and/or swelling of the face
- Temporary redness of the treated area
- Potential for scarring, though highly unlikely
- Hyperpigmentation
The physicians at Gulf Coast Facial Plastics assess every patient on an individual basis and will only perform procedures they are confident in.