Acne is one of the most common and stubborn skin problems. Regardless of skin type and lifestyle, approximately 80% of the population will suffer from acne at some point.
It’s helpful to understand how acne starts. It begins with greasy secretions from the skin’s sebaceous glands that plug the tiny openings of hair follicles. This oily substance is called sebum. Along with skin cells, sebum can clog pores and cause bacteria to grow, contributing to acne. From this condition, blackheads, whiteheads, and cysts may form and tend to worsen in people with oily skin.
For decades, dermatologists have been using birth control pills – also known as monophasic treatment – to treat acne. The rationale was that since women’s ovaries and adrenal glands usually produce a low level of androgens, taking birth control pills, which contain estrogen and progesterone, would lower the number of androgens in the body. Then, it would stand to reason that there would be less acne with less sebum.
Unfortunately, not all birth control pills are the same. Some that contain only progesterone can actually make acne worse. In addition, any time you manipulate the hormones in the body, there may be long-term effects.
Dr. Daniel Daube has created the Triphasic Program, exclusive to Gulf Coast Facial Plastics. This fifteen week program combines three very unique systems to address acne outbreaks:
- DiamondGlow™ – Infuses specialized serums in conjunction with a diamond tip to gently exfoliate the skin and prepare for the next step.
- Mild Chemical Peel – uses a chemical solution to go deeper into the skin, resulting in a smoother and brighter appearance.
- Laser Facial (YAG Laser) – heats the skin and shrinks oil glands, improving acne gradually. The laser causes the collagen in the skin to regenerate. This service provides long-term results.
There are numerous benefits to the Triphasic Program.
- Treatments are safe and effective and work on all pigmentations and skin types.
- This is a non-invasive procedure performed on an outpatient basis.
- Treatments rarely produce injury to the surface tissue
- There is no downtime, so there is no interruption to your regular routine.
So, is Triphasic better than monophasic for acne? We believe the results are undeniable.
To get started on this multi-faceted program, our Aesthetician will review your medical history, skin type, and pigmentation. Also, she will discuss your desired results and determine the best course of treatment for you. Results will vary from patient to patient depending on age, skin type, condition, and the number of treatments.
Call today for a complimentary consultation with our Aesthetician, Ashley, at (850) 784-7722, Ext 321.